Gas Powered Push Mower ISSUE
Last year, I bought a new gas powered push mower.
A major problem I have with this mower, that I NEVER
had with my old mower (gave it away), the grass clippings,
especially the very fine parts (about the size of saw dust)
sticks like "glue" to the underside of the mower. I had
tried, after a thorough cleaning, Turtle car wax. Then
something I bought at Lowe's made for this type of
PROBLEM, but the best thing I have found so far is WD40.
First I use "Crud Kutter" to clean the bottom of mower,
but this takes time to clean it. Afterwards, I use WD40,
and spray underneath all over. This is not the ideal solution,
but the best one so far. After I mow the grass, I have
to do this all over again (Crud Kutter and WD40) before
the next time I mow.
Does anyone know of a better method?
Thank You in advance, John