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Old 08-08-2019, 02:42 PM posted to rec.gardens
[email protected] is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Aug 2019
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Default Tree damaged by car accident - Insurance problems

I just had this happen on my property and the driver destroyed my lawn, 2 bushes and four trees. The driver was killed going 72 MPH on a 40 MPH rd on a 30 MPH curve. Their insurance company paid the estimate of $8,600 to clean up the mess and repair lawn and replace the trees. I called my lawyer and he said the insurance company is responsible for the damage caused by their policy holder They may require more than one estimate and decide to pay the lowest one. In the state of Delaware if the insurance company does not pay and you take them to court and if you win the claim then they have to pay for all costs including damage to your property, court costs and the fees for your attorney....all costs incurred. It was not you fault that this incident occurred. You also have the right to sue the party that caused the damage in court for mental stress. The insurance company is only responsible for the damage to your property but the insured is responsible for the anguish they caused you and your family and you can purdue this in a court of law as per my attorney.