Diesel Fuel as weed killer?
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31-07-2019, 09:06 PM posted to
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Sep 2015
Posts: 259
Diesel Fuel as weed killer?
On 7/30/2019 7:57 PM,
On Sunday, July 28, 2019 at 9:44:02 PM UTC-4, Simplesimon wrote:
replying to trader4, Simplesimon wrote:
Round causes cancer, look it up.
Yeah, some lawyers got a couple of juries to buy that, opening the
floodgates. Now shyster lawyers are running infomercials on TV to
get more people to pile on. The vast majority of studies have shown
no link. Most compelling to me is that if Roundup is causing lymphoma,
why hasn't the incidence of that particular cancer skyrocketed over
the last 40 years? Glyphosate went from not being used to widely used,
yet there was no corresponding increase in the cancer rate. And in
the big study across a couple of states, following farmers and their
families, who used not only Roundup but all kinds of other chemicals,
they had elevated rates of non-Hodgkins Lymphoma, or any other cancer.
Those cases were laughable. A janitor at a school claims he wound up
drenched in it. You'd have to be a grade A moron for that to happen.
Also, if it happened once, then put on protective covering. I've
used it many times over decades, rarely got anything on me. I take
care when using any kind of chemical like that. I suspect those people
did too, but now they say they were covered in it all the time. How
many freaking weeds does a school have?
Something we agree on. The studies that show the incidence are
epidemiological studies and if anyone has seen such studies they will
see the tremendous amount of static involved.
Roundup is still deemed safe and approved by the EPA.
Most of the legal ads on TV and the radio are done by lawyers known as
ambulance chasers in the past. A jury's finding is not a scientific one.
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