On 23/06/2019 11:15, Chris Hogg wrote:
On Sun, 23 Jun 2019 10:45:59 +0100, Broadback
I am hoping to plant an array of tulips to flower next Spring. Where is
a good source of quality bulbs when is the best time to plant? Any
advice on care and treatment appreciated. will differing colours flower
at different times, I suspect they may.
Unfortunately, there's a huge range to choose from, which makes choice
difficult. Tall, short, early and late ones (not necessarily
colour-dependent), almost every colour you can think of (except blue,
although horticulturists have a pretty elastic definition of 'blue'),
stripy ones, pointy petalled ones, frilly petalled ones, species
tulips and so it goes on.
I have had tulips from Parker's https://www.jparkers.co.uk/ and de
both of which were fine IME, but there are plenty of other suppliers,
and even your local garden centre such as Wyevale (now Dobbies, I
believe) will have bulbs that are usually perfectly satisfactory.
Browse a supplier's catalogue to find what you want, but be prepared
to be overwhelmed by indecision!
Plant in the autumn for spring flowering. When the petals have
dropped, snap off the seed capsule to stop the bulb wasting energy
making seed. Cut off the foliage at ground level when it starts to go
yellow. I leave mine in the ground, but I believe some people lift
them and replant each year.
Many thanks for your reply Chris, very helpful I have saved it for
future reference. I have waited a while to reply in the hope of getting
further responses, sadly not.