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Old 22-06-2019, 02:49 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Nick Maclaren[_5_] Nick Maclaren[_5_] is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Oct 2015
Posts: 596
Default Flea beetle attack destroying brassicas

In article ,
Jeff Layman wrote:

What pesticides meet organic standards? Even pyrethrins are toxic to
many forms of life other than pests. Derris went years ago. And the
organic standards can be set so that nothing meets them.

And they can be set so that nothing can survive, not even the humans
eating the product.

There are more than you realise, soft soap for one, though it's not
useful in this case. Personally, I would allow nicotine again!

Another solution that works is netting - I use it
because our 'oriental greens' were getting too full of shotholes to
be worth (us) eating.

I have no doubt that netting works, but what happens if some flea
beetles happen to get in? What is their reproduction rate?

You get minor damage. Live with it. I posted what I said for good
reason - a solution targetted to the pest's life-cycle is going to
work my better than merely making the plant toxic. No, they do not
reproduce that fast, and summer greens are cropped after a fairly
short period. As I said, once a brassica is established for winter
use, significant damage is very rare.

Nick Maclaren.