Flea beetle attack destroying brassicas
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Jeff Layman wrote:
I find a certain irony - at least with what you have been trying to grow
- that the Greens policies are ensuring there won't be any greens for
you to eat.
That is nonsense. Another solution that works is netting - I use it
because our 'oriental greens' were getting too full of shotholes to
be worth (us) eating. But I don't use it on kohl rabi, broccoli or
kale. I do use toxic chemicals, but do my damnedest to avoid doing
so on food crops or those visited by bees.
Flea beetles are very rarely more than a nuisance, and I also find
it a bit puzzling - but the solution is to tackle a cause rather than
covering the plants with toxic chemicals. Which first means finding
one or more of the causes for such an infestation. It is possible
that there was a thriving population in the meadow, because they live
in Cruciferae, and they all hatched at the wrong time. If that is so,
the solution is to grow something else for a year, and then net the
brassicas, at least until they are properly established.
Nick Maclaren.