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Old 14-05-2019, 10:38 PM posted to rec.gardens.edible
Pavel314[_2_] Pavel314[_2_] is offline
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Dec 2009
Posts: 330
Default Pick pick pick !

On Tuesday, May 14, 2019 at 9:53:22 AM UTC-4, Terry Coombs wrote:
Â* Strawberries , that is . With today's haul we have enough for a batch
of jam ... half pints are in the dishwasher , berries are on the counter
ready to cap-n-smash .In addition , the corn is coming up nicely , I
will have to reseed a couple of spots though . Taters are boomin' , got
them hilled up nicely and mulched heavily with straw . I'm seeing a few
beans sprouting (blue lake bush) and the bunching onions are mostly up
now . The tomatoes got the cardboard then straw mulch treatment , trying
to prevent soil splashing on them to help prevent blight problems . And
yesterday I saw some of the beets have come up too . It's been a cool
wet spring , I feel like I'm behind - but I'm not really , summer's here
are pretty long and I won't worry about frost until early October .

Yes , I'm old
and crochety - and armed .
Get outta my woods !

Our garden is doing well but we've had too much rain here in Maryland to get out and weed properly. The front lawn is getting near the point where I can bale it for the sheep to eat next winter.
