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Old 27-03-2019, 03:36 PM posted to rec.ponds
[email protected] is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Mar 2019
Posts: 1

Had the same issue here in suny Kent. Toad attached to the koi’s head, both front arms in the koi’s eyes but the toad was facing towards the tail - so the koi was able to breath but it looked like something from the film aliens. Doubtful it will have any sight left now but the toad - once removed - learnt how to fly into the neighbours garden.... apparently it only happens if there is no female toad in the pond...

Then an hour later noticed my black sturgeon was belly up on the bottom of the pond - scooped it out to find it too had a toad on its head. With Orange eyes and it had a claw or toe nail on each front hand (probably to grip the female) now the sturgeon is in a holding pool along with all my other fish. Had scrape marks all down it’s head where the toad had been trying to latch on. This was a big fish some 20” long yet it may not live the day thanks to a fk toad.

Anyone know of an “Anne summers” or “love honey” site for toads/frogs so I can get something else to distract the Randy so-and-so’s........