cutting up seed potatoes?
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16-02-2019, 04:59 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Feb 2019
Posts: 10
cutting up seed potatoes?
In article ,
I am reading this:
"Cut the seed potatoes into 2-inch chunks that have several eyes on
them. Small potatoes can be planted as they are."
- Really? cut them up?
Yes. Though bought seed-potatoes are generally so small you can only
cut each one in two. If you saved larger potatoes from your own crop,
they can be cut into more pieces.
Sprout them before you cut them.
My grandfather always did this then dipped each cut piece in wood ash
(cold, dry) to coat the raw surface, which he claimed repels slugs and
prevents rot. So I've always done the same.
It always looked to me that the shoots came out
of one end and the roots from the other,
You can't have looked very closely. Any "eye" on the potato will
produce both roots and shoots.
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