Mixing Garden soil with Ericaceous Peat.
On 08/02/2019 13:24, john west wrote:
I have just bought a bag of Ericacous Compost to Repot some Camellias
from small pots to larger pots.
It says on the bag the contents are about 80% peat.
As i want to keep theĀ* camellias long term in the new pots would it be
advisable to add some ordinary garden soil to provide a range of
*Minerals*, which i have been told are not necessarily in the Peat?
If this is so, what percentage of ordinary garden soil would you suggest
mixing with the Ericaceous Peat please?
Measure the pH of your soil and that will tell you (kits from any garden
centre). If it is anything lower than about 5 you are wasting your money
on ericaceous compost and if it is any higher than 7 then it is probably
wise not to add any of your soil to the mix. They hate lime.
You can get special ericaceous plant food which contains the right mix
of minerals to keep them happy. The main thing is that if the soil is
too alkaline then they cannot obtain iron for chlorophyll. All other
nutrients are secondary and it is rare that there isn't enough blown
dust to satisfy their trace elements needs.
Martin Brown