Standard rose refurbish help please
In article ,
Broadback wrote:
On 22/12/2018 15:06, Jeff Layman wrote:
On 22/12/18 12:50, Broadback wrote:
One of my standard roses has developed a lop sided "head". There are no
branches on the right however the left is well blessed. What are the
chances of sorting it, if so how?
Any chance of taking a bud or two from the growing side and grafting
those onto the main stem where there is no growth at present?
This is a repost, as I believe I miss-sent the previous one. thanks for
the tip Jeff, but I am afraid that my skills are not up to that! :-(
It wouldn't necessarily help, even if it took, because such lop-sidedness
is often due to the bark on one side not being up to scratch, or so I
deduce from when I have cut such plants down. Of course, I might be
reversing cause and effect here!
Nick Maclaren.