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Old 22-12-2018, 02:55 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Broadback[_3_] Broadback[_3_] is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Sep 2012
Posts: 341
Default Standard rose refurbish help please

On 22/12/2018 13:17, Chris Hogg wrote:
On Sat, 22 Dec 2018 12:50:59 +0000, Broadback

One of my standard roses has developed a lop sided "head". There are no
branches on the right however the left is well blessed. What are the
chances of sorting it, if so how?

Is there any life at all in the side that's not doing so well, or has
that side died right back to the main stem? If the latter, try
training one or two branches from the good side over to the dead side.

Is the uneven growth a result of uneven light i.e. is one side up
against a wall or permanently in shade? If that's the case, just dig
it up and turn it round or replant it somewhere where the light is
more evenly distributed.

Failing those two, you could try severely pruning the side that's
growing well, in the hope that it'll encourage dormant buds to shoot
on the side that's not growing so well.

Thanks for that Chris. It is planted with light all round, so no problem
there, its 2Sister" which it 2 meters to the West is doing OK. It has
very little sign of life on the bad sign, though there is some evidence
of life.