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Old 16-12-2018, 05:44 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Roger Tonkin[_2_] Roger Tonkin[_2_] is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Feb 2012
Posts: 459
Default composing kitchen waste

In article ,

On Sun, 16 Dec 2018 12:15:44 +0000, Broadback

Whet is the best way of doing this, so as no to attract vermin? As it
seems the powers that be are going to bring in bins for kitchen waste I
wouldlike to avoid them.

Before I moved house, when I had space for a couple of cold heaps, all
vegetable waste went onto the current compost heap. Sometimes holes
would appear in them where I presume rats from the neighbouring
farmyard had burrowed in, but they presented no particular problem and
were always in the area from said farmyard.

But there's more to kitchen waste than compostable vegetable matter,
such as 'dirty' plastic that wasn't the right type to be accepted for
recycling but IMO would qualify as 'kitchen waste' (the inner sealed
covers of yogurt pots, or polythene bags that had contained yucky
stuff, or bloody meat trays, for example).

ATM I don't have room for a compost heap, or even a Dalek, so all the
vegetable waste and the dirty un-recyclable plastic goes into the
pedal bin and then out with the non-recyclable rubbish.

Different local councils have different recycling schemes, so I think
we'll all have to wait to see what precisely our own local councils
define as 'kitchen waste'.

Our council provides "Food waste" bins, which it collects
weekly. All our cooked waste (not that there is much) goes in
them and we are allowed "small" bones - with typically no
formal definition. Uncooked food waste peelings etc go in the
dalek - the exception being potato pelings, which go in the
food waste. This goes back many years to my parents who
insisted that potato peelings would potentially grow if put on
the compost - and this has just stuck with me without a fully
logical reason

Roger T

700 ft up in Mid-Wales

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