Looking for rough grass/paddock mower
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12-11-2018, 09:05 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening,uk.d-i-y
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jan 2015
Posts: 215
Looking for rough grass/paddock mower
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On 12/11/2018 16:36, Chris Green wrote:
In uk.d-i-y Janet wrote:
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In uk.d-i-y Ermin wrote:
On Sun, 11 Nov 2018 11:59:34 +0000, Chris Green wrote:
We have bought a Stiga 'out front' mower for the lawns so I'm wondering
what to get for the rougher paddock areas.
Why not use the Stiga for that as well?
Because it's not designed for rough ground or for hacking through tall
nettles and such. Our paddocks can get pretty overgrown at times with
great patches of thistles, nettles and tough grass.
Have you thought of setting up an electric fence, then putting pigs in
to clear the enclosed area? They will eat everything, dig out all roots
and eat those too, thoroughly dig and compost the soil, then you could
reseed (if you want lawn).
We have horses on the land, mixing in some pigs would not go down too
well! :-) Horses are notorious for leaving sections ungrazed, hence
the need for mowing at intervals.
Sheep then, if you already have the fencing, and it will improve the
land and reduce the parasitic worms. One of the reasons we've never got
around to it is that our old hay supplier (a retired sheep farmer) used
to say "If you've got three sheep, one of them is lame".
A shepherd told me "Sheep spend their lives inventing new ways to
commit suicide".
Sheep are grazers, unlike gots they won't eat nettles, thistles,
tall/rough grass or brambles. But they will get horribly tangled up in
long bramble stems.
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