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Old 29-10-2018, 02:51 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
David Hill David Hill is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: May 2012
Posts: 2,947
Default Where is everyone?

On 29/10/2018 08:57, Muddymike wrote:
On 26/10/2018 14:15, Janet wrote:
In article ,

Having had a busy couple of years I've not looked in here much lately
but have now moved house to one with an even bigger garden which seem to
contain every variety of shrub that will grow! I thought I'd pop in to
see what's happening.

Three days now and nothing?

What's gone wrong it used to be so busy?

Â*Â* The chatterati are long gone, composted, or buried in twitter or FB.

Â* Only some of the old urg hands-on diggers and delvers are left, mostly
older and feebler so (speaking for me) I have to spend more time doing
it andÂ* have less energy and time to talk about it.Â* URG old-timers left
over from your day include me, Nick, Chris and Charlie.

Â* We don't see many newbies on urg. They're probably all staring at their
mobile phone looking for an app that can kill slugs."Alexa, can you tell
me if it's still raining".

Â*Â* Janet (still on Arran).

I cant find the "like" button :-)


Still around, just pottering and keeping busy like others.
I tried Facebook for all of 2 weeks and came off, not for me, to much
sensless blather.
I'm with Thunderbird as I have been for years and am using Freie
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