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Old 06-10-2018, 12:28 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Peter Robinson Peter Robinson is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Feb 2007
Posts: 125
Default Raspberry planting

Roger Tonkin wrote:

In article ,

I was thinking of planting two rows of raspberries in my new 10ft raised
beds this autumn: one row summer fruiting and one autumn fruiting. I
was hoping to get two varieties of each (i.e. 4 varieties in total) and
I was looking at but I start to get cold
feet about spacing etc.


Not really sure why you want different varieties.

80% in order to try to spread the cropping season to reduce
feast/famine. I was trying to pick late/early summer fruiting for

20% to hedge my bets picking a variety. So hard to cut through the
marketing in catalogues etc: they list the benefits, half of which are
variable/subjective anyway, and it's hard to read between the lines to
understand downsides (poor flavour, won't do well on clay).

With most veg/annuals you get to 're-roll' the dice each year, but I
might be stuck with these canes for better or worse for the next 15
years. The average marriage is shorter than that[1].

[...] so planting just a few canes well sopaced is in
the long term just as effective.

Thanks - I might do that. It would certainly make things simpler.


[1] actually I'm misquoting a statistic which seems deliberately
intended to be misread that way.