Tying roses and espaliers to horizontal wires (non-slip methods?)
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25-09-2018, 10:27 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Vir Campestris
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Mar 2014
Posts: 234
Tying roses and espaliers to horizontal wires (non-slip methods?)
On 25/09/2018 11:42,
I've got horizontal training wires running along a wall. I have a couple of young espalier pear trees and a couple of climbing roses to train. The problem I keep experiencing, is that if I use string, it tends to slide along the wire over time, rather than remaining where I tied it. Does anyone have any tricks for solving this? I wondered about crimping some small pieces of lead sheet with a string-hole drilled in it, but I suspect there must be an easier solution...
I always tie the string to the wire with a rolling hitch. It seems to
work OK.
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Vir Campestris
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