Olearia Traversii [sick]
On Sun, 23 Sep 2018 08:49:07 +0100, Chris Hogg wrote:
On Sun, 23 Sep 2018 08:18:34 +0100, Jeff Layman
On 23/09/18 07:32, Chris Hogg wrote:
Or were you thinking of the modern neonicotinoids. But these have now
been withdrawn EU-wide because of their claimed effect on bees.
Acetamiprid is still available, as noted in the RHS paper from the link
in your paragraph below.
Ah, thanks Jeff. I must confess I didn't read that section beyond the
first few lines where it discussed imidacloprid and thiamethoxam
withdrawal, and I assumed all neonics had been withdrawn.
Many thanks,
I bought some "resolva" I have given two plants a spraying so I will
see how they turn uout.
I have been looking for a lens and will get one from Ebay if nothing
turns up.
No all the affected plants have the "bugs" though. The new growth when
pinched open reveals a very small black shoot inside, I assume the
thing is rotten.
Mildew makes sense. I have these growing in the original compost, the
habitat in Ireland is sandy soil. With the rain we have had lately,
maybe it's mildew and the bugs have come to take advantage of the
weakened new growth?