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Old 28-08-2018, 11:46 AM posted to rec.gardens
Jeff Layman[_2_] Jeff Layman[_2_] is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Sep 2008
Posts: 2,166
Default Gauging the strength of an old tree

On 28/08/18 00:38, bob prohaska wrote:
The ~60 year old mulberry tree in my back yard has developed two large
dead limbs. It's clear the tree will have to come out eventually, but
it still yields useful shade, so I'd like to keep it as long as possible.

Simply cutting off the limbs will badly unbalance the tree and so long
as they're not rotten they'll still provide support to the branches
cabled together. Tapping on the buttress roots and the trunks suggests
the is mostly solid, with a decayed core.

Are there any accepted tests for stability (pulling on lines to the
crown, or pushing on jacks applied to the trunk, for example) that
can be used to gauge the stability of the tree as a whole? Obviously,
if a tug on the crown tips the base of the trunk, it has to come out
now. If a pull or push on the upper part of the tree doesn't disturb
the root crown there's some hope of another year or two of shade.

A set of photos is at
The images can be laid out something like

westlimb eastlimb
to get an overall view if you're curious.

I had the cables installed in 2009 and the tree grew vigorously until
the middle of this summer. Even now, the surviving limbs are well-leafed
and seem healthy, thus my desire to save what I can as long as I can.

Thanks for reading

bob prohaska

Are those power cables the east limb overhangs? And do any of the
affected branches overhang the building shown in mulberry_base? If so,
what damage would be done if the limbs broke and fell?

Have you considered replacing (or at least planting nearby) with
eucalyptus? They are very fast growing and will give decent shade all
year round if you want it as they are evergreen.

