Thread: Chokos chayote
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Old 27-08-2018, 01:25 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Nick Maclaren[_5_] Nick Maclaren[_5_] is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Oct 2015
Posts: 596
Default Chokos chayote

In article ,
FMurtz wrote:

I do not know if the UK knows they these exist but here goes, For three
years I have tried to grow chokos (chayote in America), In Australia
they usually grow rampant,down any fence across the dunny and take over,
but not for me.
I buy a few chokos from the supermarket that have started to sprout I
dig a hole fill with bag of potting mix and a bit of fertilizer, have
also tried in just dug up dirt, they all grow vines but no chokos, if I
knew anyone with chocos I might pinch a couple in case mine were
rendered sterile before sale, but I do not think they would bother,

The chances of getting a plant from an apparently-sprouting fruit do
not seem great. Few cucurbits propagate themselves that way. You
need a tuber or seed.

I can strongly recommend Trombinchino d'Albenga for the UK - it is a
FAR better alternative to courgette if you have the room, and remains
good up to at least 1 Kg in weight. It's actually a relative of

Nick Maclaren.