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Old 24-08-2018, 11:23 AM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Nick Maclaren[_5_] Nick Maclaren[_5_] is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Oct 2015
Posts: 596
Default Restartin a stalled compost bin?

In article ,
David wrote:

New location, and the compost bin is full.
The top layer is dried lawn mowings.

What is the best way to kick start some composting action? Just add
water. use Garotta or similar, wee in it?

It probably needs more moisture after the recent hot weather but often
it is difficult to get water into it in one go. Pee in a bucket, add
water and apply multiple times over a week.

Buy a second bin and put the top layer of the old bin in the bottom of a
new bin

Subsidised Darleks may be available from
depending on your location and/or local council policies

Thanks for the link. Looks like the black 330 litre at £20.

I've stirred it from the top with a gardening fork and it looks quite

Watered it as I stirred it so it is now nice and moist. Next step is to
see if it starts to heat up!

Don't worry if it doesn't. Cold composting proceeds at any temperature
from zero to 40 Celsius, though the mixture of organisms changes and it
rapidly speeds up as it warms up. Hot composting is somewhat different.

Nick Maclaren.