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Old 19-08-2018, 11:42 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Archibald Tarquin Blenkinsopp Archibald Tarquin Blenkinsopp is offline
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jun 2017
Posts: 22
Default Oleria Traversii [Again]

On Sun, 19 Aug 2018 21:36:16 +0100, Chris Hogg wrote:

On Sun, 19 Aug 2018 10:25:25 +0100, Archibald Tarquin Blenkinsopp

I was hoping to put a chainlink fence in fairly close proximity to the
hedge, I assumed one side would have the equivalent of a pudding basin
cut where the animals can get to the growth, but I suppose the growth
might lift the fence if not controlled?

Horses and cattle love Olearia, as I found out during planting. A cute
looking cow ambled up during the process, showing interest in my
activities, then lifted one of my newly planted Olearia and stood
there chomping happily.

I think your chain link fence should be at lest four feet away from
the hedge. In my previous bungalow, we had a field on one side where
horses used to graze. We had a 4ft high Cornish hedge* on that side,
and a narrow border in which we struggled to grow anything because the
horses just stuck their heads over the wall and cropped almost
everything. Eventually we found they didn't like rosemary. I'll never
forget seeing one of the horses' reaction to its first mouthful. It's
lips curled right back showing its teeth in an almost human expression
of 'Ugh!, that's horrible!'.

I think your hedge will get a lot more than a pudding basin cut.
They'll eat as much of it as they can reach, sides and top.


Many thanks Chris. I will have to get friendly with the farmer!

I truly am grateful, I would not have thought of that,I would have
stuck the fence up and I would imagine that a resited fence would not
have quite the same looks.

Your posts were uppermost in my mind when I was playing with the hedge
and planting cuttings earlier this year. Thank heavens for Usenet and
people such as yourself.

I was in Cornwall a few times, never noticed the hedge style though. I
will pay more attention on my next visit.