Thread: What is this
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Old 25-07-2018, 10:07 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Stewart Robert Hinsley Stewart Robert Hinsley is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jul 2006
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Default What is this

On 22/07/2018 22:39, David wrote:
On 22/07/2018 22:17, Pollygolly wrote:
Came across this thistle like plant in Anglesey a couple of weeks ago.
At first I thought it was a thistle with insects or something, but
close inspection showed that the white spots were actually raised
bumps and quite regular across all the leaves, even the emerging ones.
2 plants side by side along the coast path, no others visible.

Pictures at:

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Looks a lot like Teasel to me.

I think that it's the other one (with bristly leaf surfaces), i.e.
bristly oxtounge (Helminthotheca echioides) - the basal leaves of teasel
go together so water gets trapped in pools around the stem. (In this
weather the pools will be absent, but the hollows would still be there.)

There is a difference between the bristles in the two species, but I
would to hit the books to remind me what it is.
