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Old 19-07-2018, 11:33 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Andy Parker Andy Parker is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jul 2018
Posts: 8
Default Recommendations for long border.

"Martin Brown" wrote in message news
On 17/07/2018 15:22, Jeff Layman wrote:
On 16/07/18 23:12, Andy Parker wrote:

I'm in Cumbria almost at sea level.

I'm on fairly heavy clay (which is beginning to fracture like brick in
the heat). The foolproof things that can take care of themselves and are
not too invasive I think he might stand a chance with include:

Sedum Spectabile
Paeony Rose

Lavender does OK for me in N Yorks but is tetchy about drainage.

Valerian, Centranthus ruber, is a bit of a thug. But good for
butterflies. It might be high maintenance keeping it under control.
(OK so long as you keep dead heading but seeds profusely)

Depends a bit on budget and what plants can be obtained as cuttings from
friends and family and other volunteers.

Martin Brown

I do like a list! Thank you Martin, I have dogwood and Buddleia promised and
will look up the others. I suspect Honeysuckle might be a bit rampant for my
Budget is the killer, concentrating on what I can scrounge and produce from
cuttings at the moment.