Thread: Tree stump
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Old 17-07-2018, 07:46 PM posted to
[email protected][_2_][_2_] is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Mar 2011
Posts: 237
Default Tree stump

On Tuesday, July 17, 2018 at 1:44:48 PM UTC-4, wrote:
On Tuesday, July 17, 2018 at 9:50:23 AM UTC-4, songbird wrote:
Lynn D wrote:
How can I flatten a palm tree stump to ground level? We cut it with a chain
saw but the stump protrudes above the ground by 6 to 8 inches

make sure anything nearby is marked by Miss Dig and then
rent or hire someone to grind it about a foot down below
the ground.


That's the $200 solution. Or just cut it as short as practical and
wait for it to rot. Drilling some holes in it to catch and hold
water will help it rot quicker. Mostly depends on where it is and
how noticeable. I have a stump I took the rotting approach with that's
off to the side, not so noticeable.

They also have some miracle products that are supposed to work, never
tried them. Some I think use potassium nitrate or similar to saturate
it, then you burn it out. Call me skeptical, but the OP could google
about it.