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Old 29-06-2018, 10:53 PM posted to
Bob F Bob F is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: May 2007
Posts: 762
Default Germinating Grass

On 6/29/2018 10:07 AM, funkytwig wrote:
I know I left it a bit late but have patched my lawn with grass
seed/peat. It's quite sunny but it we only get direct sunlight for
around 6 hours a day (if that) so my question is how often should I
water. Was thinking of every other day but don't want to over water.

Also, should I put down grass food during germination?

All you need until it sprouts is to keep it damp. You don't want it to
dry out in the middle of sprouting. When I do this, I try to setup a
fine sprinkler on a timer to run for maybe 5 minutes a few times a day.
Save the heavy watering for after it sprouts and starts sending roots
down into the deep soil. Then you want to decrease the frequency and
increase the amount of water you put on it so the roots grow deeply
looking for water when the surface drys out between waterings.

If the peat layer is sufficient, that would reduce the need for frequent

Your climate and soil may affect your decisions.