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Old 29-06-2018, 10:55 PM posted to
Ralph Mowery Ralph Mowery is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Aug 2006
Posts: 61
Default Germinating Grass

In article , funkytwig.15ac2592 says...

I know I left it a bit late but have patched my lawn with grass
seed/peat. It's quite sunny but it we only get direct sunlight for
around 6 hours a day (if that) so my question is how often should I
water. Was thinking of every other day but don't want to over water.

Also, should I put down grass food during germination?

If it is very hot, you can water it 2 or 3 times a day. The seed is
only a very small distance under the dirt so the top layer will dry in a
very short time.

You should have a thin layer of straw on it to help keep it moist.