Chilean glory vine germination?
On Wednesday, April 25, 2001 at 1:41:21 PM UTC+1, Big Al wrote:
Hi folks
Just wondering if there was anyone with tips on germinating Chilean Glory
Vine, Eccremocarpus scaber? I planted about a dozen a month ago (standard
seed tray on sunny windowsill), and have only had two come up. I kinda
hoped for one or two more and have a few seeds left (Unwins aren't exactly
generous) - any ideas?
Incidentally, they're a bit hardier than the books suggest - my parents had
one that kept going for 7-8 years in the foothills of the Peak District.
Admittedly that was against a 5' retaining wall facing SW with a fence on
top, and the frost tends to roll down the hill there. Good value though -
flowered for most of the summer.
hi we have had a scaber growing for 15 years we have never had any grown from all the seeds that have fell onto the soil but we have put some in a pot placed in the boiler room ,had 3 plants we have now got them in the back porch covered with a plastic bag at night and uncover in the day time ,one of which has died so hoping we can grow these on .