On Tue, 05 Jun 2018 07:03:51 +0100, Chris Hogg posted:
On Sat, 02 Jun 2018 09:01:37 +0100, Chris J Dixon
Derek wrote:
There is another web site that has been running an
experiment on various so called remedys, puts a slug in a ring of the
material and watch if it can cross, nothing stops them. (ash and bran
slows them down )
I remember watching a slug slither its way happily over the
copper tape I had put on a large plantpot. :-(
The results of this study will be interesting
I am intrigued that they say they will check the plants once a week. In
my garden, without slug pellets, in two days the plants would be gone.
But I too am interested in their results as I would much rather not use
the pellets if there are effective alternatives.