Anthracnose on my vines!
On 21/05/18 16:41, David Rance wrote:
Can anyone tell me if Mancozeb or Captan are still available or have
they been banned by the EU?
For the first time I seem to have a bad infection of anthracnose on my
vines. Advice on treatment seems contradictory. Some say that sulphur
treatments work, others say they don't! Today I've sprayed with Bordeaux
Mixture but I'm not convinced of its efficacy.
Neither mancozeb nor captan are approved for home use. Bordeaux Mixture
is also not approved (was it an old container you use?), and has been
replaced with Bayer's "Fruit & Vegetable Disease Control". See
If you want to check whether a product is approved or not for home use,
you can search he
I wouldn't bother in future because all products will eventually be
removed. Even after Brexit, St Gove of the Environment will see the
shelves emptied of pesticides.