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Old 02-03-2003, 01:18 PM
Michael Persiano
Posts: n/a
Default [IBC] Pomegranate training

In a message dated 3/1/2003 2:50:38 PM Eastern Standard Time,

Does anyone have any advice on how to mature these things? I have them
in quart or gallon size nursery pots. Should they go into bigger pots?
Are they simply slow maturing when in pots? I just keep them fed and
growing but progress is slow.

I have been working extensively with Pomegranate for approximately 15+ years.
This Punica is a wonder specimen for bonsai culture, but its development
from immature material requires extreme patience.

1. During the first 5+ years, allow the specimen to grow in an oversized
container. At this juncture in time, be certain Superfeed the tree. This
will help to accelerate growth. Do not allow extremely low branches to
remain on the tree, especially spoke branches, as these can leave undesirable
swellings. The goal here is to create a trunk--period.

2. Once the trunk reaches a 1-2 inch diameter (based on your preference),
completely remove the top of the tree, leaving approximately 5+ inches of the
trunk. The trunk chop need NOT be cut on a diagonal. Continue to Superfeed
the tree.

3. During the next 5 years, select a lead for the top, selectively allow
secondary and tertiary branches to grow, and begin the task of carving out
the remnants of the trunk chop scar.

4. Ramification will become your primary focus at this time, and what can be
achieved with Pomegranate is literally breathtaking, in my opinion. However,
continue to Superfeed.

I have placed a JPEG of a Pomegranate on the home page of my site. I will
eventually link this to a page where you can enlarge the image and read about
the history of this tree.

Patience Grasshoppers: Working from seedling can press one's patience.
That's why you need other trees. );-)


Michael Persiano

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