Grumble, grumble, weather, planting seeds?
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02-05-2018, 06:44 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Roger Tonkin[_2_]
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Feb 2012
Posts: 459
Grumble, grumble, weather, planting seeds?
In article ,
Most seeds seem to have a minimum temperature for planting, and a period
(month or so) for planting.
In the East of England recent temperatures have been down to 4C during the
day which is well below the minimum temperature on the packets.
I've got some seeds germinating/germinated which came up rapidly in the
warm weather but seem to have slowed down almost to a stop.
I planted most of my veg seeds in trays, which I put in the
garage and they all seem to have geminated OK. I move them
outside each day and bring them back into the garage if very
cold weather is forecast. Recently I've left them out overnight
covered witth the plastic seed tray covers (held down by a
piece of wood 'cos it's windy!).
I have some courgette seeds to plant, but I can't decide if it is worth
planting them until the weather picks up.
I sneaked a couple of pots with 2 courgette seeds (ever the
pesimist!)in each into the kitched when swmbo was not around.
One seed in each geminated quickly, and it looks as if the
other is now germinating. I'll probably move them outside
during the day and only bring them in overnight for the next
week or so.
Once the weather warms up I am sure things will catch up, but this isn't
the best start to the year that I can remember.
Dave R
Roger T
700 ft up in Mid-Wales
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Roger Tonkin[_2_]
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