Hotbin composter - feedback
On Sat, 21 Apr 2018 16:26:39 +0100, Tim Watts
On 21/04/18 14:26, Andy Burns wrote:
Tim Watts wrote:
Finally went and got a "Hotbin"
Hi, would any of these hot composters be suitable for a "load and
leave" approach?
I have to do a spot of maintenance in a fortnight, but having only
four days, there would be only time to drop the grass cuttings in and
maybe shred some of the branches that I cut last year.
The compost would then be left for a month or two as it is difficult
to get time to visit the garden.
Would the compost be a fire risk, or would it just "cook" in the
middle and stay green/ brown on the outside.
If unattended composting is possible, what compost bin is the most
suitable for the UK/ Ireland.