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Old 24-04-2018, 03:08 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Martin Brown[_2_] Martin Brown[_2_] is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Mar 2017
Posts: 267
Default It's ash seedling time again...

On 23/04/2018 08:41, Broadback wrote:
On 22/04/2018 16:58, Jeff Layman wrote:

The problem is that you can't leave them to get past the cotyledon
stage. Once the true leaves appear the root gets really long. and if
you pull the stem it often just breaks and from that new leaves form.
That doesn't appear to happen with the cotyledon stage.

A bit of a digression but still about Ash. when I was a child there was
an old saw:
Ash before Oak we will have a soak. Oak before Ash we will have a splash.

For the first time in my memory, here anyway in North Staffordshire the
Ash is in leaf before the Oak. Lets hope is id nonsense.

There is an element of truth in these old sayings - oak comes into leaf
primarily on rising spring temperatures whilst the ash allegedly goes by
increasing day length (which is pretty much the same time every year).

It used to be more finely balanced in the past. BTW still haven't seen
any swallows or house martins - they are late this year 14/4 is normal.

This year spring has been unusually cold where I live so daffodils
lasted well but the oaks are only now showing signs of coming into life.
Last weeks couple of warm days got them properly woken up.

My beech hedge is still dormant with the old golden brown leaves on.

Martin Brown