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Old 08-04-2018, 09:53 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening,uk.d-i-y
Tim Lamb Tim Lamb is offline
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jan 2008
Posts: 25
Default Organising for Communal Duty

In message , john west

Places that contain a communal area like a kitchen, rest room etc; but
are within a community structure, like for instance a club or our
allotment do need a bit of organisation for 'cleaning duties'. Since
there is little of a management hierarchy to *order* people to do a
weeks cleaning and maintenance.

How might things be organised to perhaps *shame* some dodgers into
doing a turn sometimes. But to try to do so without causing any
unpleasantness amongst those in the community ?

Hah! It takes all sorts to make up the human race.

One system that seems to work is a discounted membership fee where a
reduction is exchanged for managed duties.
If they don't work they pay the full fee.

Published rota? At least other members would learn who the shirkers are.

Tim Lamb