Thread: House plants
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Old 24-04-2018, 03:53 PM posted to rec.gardens
Terry Coombs Terry Coombs is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Sep 2012
Posts: 678
Default House plants

Â* Couldn't find a newsgroup that addresses house plants , so I'll ask
here . I have recently started with African violets , and have a
question . I have the plants in a bathroom because it's more humid on
average . The question is about light , the lights in that bathroom are
on 24/7 , we use it as a night light . I got to wondering if this is bad
for the African violets . The spider plant in there has been doing very
well , as have other plants . There is also a planter of Achimenes in
there , and since it's related to the violets I wonder about it too .
They're not showing any signs of stress , but I still wonder if this is
the best thing for them .

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