On 11/21/2017 9:13 PM, Ant wrote:
On 11/19/2017 12:31 PM, wrote:
Are they safe to eat?
Thank you in advance.
Chayote. I've never had it, but the flavor's supposed to be along the lines of
a weak pear. Its actually a vegetable and not a fruit, as it grows on a vine
and is part of the squash family.
According to
comment, Araujia Sericifera's fruits is toxic.
The link as presented by Thunderbird is 404. I even tried removing the
"'s", but that did not help. Then I tried removing mo "/'s". That
worked. In the future, please comply with RFC 3986 (Appendix C) by
bracketing URIs in text (as I do in my signature below for the URI to my
Web site).
David E. Ross
Am I the only one who noticed the following?
* President Trump issued executive orders
that increase health-care costs.
* The Republicans in Congress propose to
eliminate itemized deductions for
health-care costs.