Thread: Exploding bean!
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Old 06-10-2017, 05:49 PM posted to rec.gardens
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Default Exploding bean!

On Monday, October 2, 2017 at 9:35:24 PM UTC-7, Al Tprk wrote:
Hello all,

The other week I picked up a bean from a tree near our library. It had a velvety surface. It had been on the dinner table for the past week or so. Tonight when we were having some snacks all a sudden it exploded with a crack and spilled its seeds into the kitchen!

We first heard the noise but couldn't figure out what exploded. Then saw the pod split into half.

What is this plant? Does anybody know?

Picture is he


(I think I am in Sunset zone 15.)

Looks a lot like wisteria, a vine, common in California and other areas. I have one in my yard. The pods do make a little cracking noise when they dry up and spill their seeds.