Left it too late!
I have a lawn that is not in great condition and think I've run out of time to make progress this autumn.
The lawn is a mixture of grasses as some is old, some not so old and some new - probably all from different seed mixes. There are lots of weeds (shelfheal and plantain) and clover and moss in places.
I have just bought an electric lawn rake and scarifier, I have also bought some Aftercut all in one, weedol weed killer and also some grass seed.
Ideally I'd like to do as much as I can now so it makes it look better next spring onwards.
Ideally, I'd kill the weeds, scarfiy/rake and then overseed however I don't think I can do all 3 now given it is early October and presume I've got to wait at least a month to overseed the weed killer and Aftercut?
Would I be best off:
1. Killing the weeds with the weedol and Aftercut all in one then scarifying
2. Scarifying and then overseeding
Any advice on the order of priorities would be great!
Thanks in advance