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Old 01-10-2017, 09:52 PM posted to rec.gardens
John McGaw John McGaw is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Aug 2006
Posts: 321
Default Advice needed for moving a Holly tree.

On 10/1/2017 1:40 PM, Wildthyme wrote:
Hello I've wanted holly tree in my garden for awhile and don't want to
buy one as most are too small. I've located one in the wild in a hedge
row (on land I own) but could do with some advice on how to move it.
I've tried moving one to my garden before (twice) the first one died and
the other just about clung on but is half dead and going to take ages to
grow now.

Is it a bad time of year to move such a tree? The one I've located looks
like its about to flower. Also is there any difference between the ones
with red berries and ones with no berries? The leaves on these trees
dark green and spiky (except not spiky strangely on the one I've got my
eye on).

The berry part is easy -- the females have berries while the males do not
but both are necessary for them to form.

As for moving, if it is of any real size a company that has the the
specialized equipment is probably your best bet since keeping a large
enough rootball would give you something weighing (potentially) tons and
not really suitable for toting in your wheelbarrow.