Could this be the year of the over wintered figs?
David posted
On Fri, 31 Mar 2017 09:37:59 +0000, David wrote:
One debunked urban myth is that if fig trees produce fruit in the autumn
these should be left on as they provide next year's crop.
So far I have never seen this happen. Second crop Brown Turkey sit
around over winter and gradually die and drop off, and new buds form the
next year's crop.
However this year is unusual in that I seem to have quite a few
survivors on the pot grown tree, and various trees near us that are
grown in the ground also seem to have a large number of over wintered
Could this be the year?
Probably not.
Oh, and I recall reading somewhere that Brown Turkey is a continuous
cropper but only manages to ripen one crop in the UK; fair enough, but I
also read somewhere that only the first crop is self fertile which seems
Call myth busters?
To update: there are loads of new figs coming through but no sign of the
figs from last year growing any more.
Most have dropped off or gone mouldy and been picked off so it seems that
my particular tree ignores last year's fruit and sets about growing new.
Can someone say with authority what *is* the right strategy for removing
overwintering fruit from a fig tree? Obviously one might as well pick
off the mouldy ones, but about the others?