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Old 21-04-2017, 06:45 AM
inlikeflint inlikeflint is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Apr 2017
Posts: 4

This is an interesting thread.

I would like to know if the people who posted to this thread in 2003 are still around and would let me know how the cat fish food worked out for them, VS the people who fed their koi, koi food.

One of the reasons i revived this thread is that I picked up a 40lb bag of Catfish and pond fish food manufactured by Cargil for about $18.00 to try out over the Rangen 25lb I get for $48.00

The posts about catfish outliving carp & koi must have been made before Google was invented because it turns out that catfish can live up to 60 years vs Koi that have an average lifespan of 20-30 years (Provided that the koi pond is not in Japan).

I compared the bag of catfish feed to Rangen and the catfish feed was at 32% protein and Rangen was 36%. The feeds are pretty close to identical other than I use a 3/16 - 4.8mm sized pellet from Rangen, and the Cargil feed is about twice the diameter

So anyway,
This thread is revived!!!

How many of you had koi die from eating catfish food vs the people who fed theirs koi food? (This should be interesting).