Do snakeshead fritillaries bite?
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11-04-2017, 12:49 AM posted to uk.rec.gardening
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jan 2015
Posts: 215
Do snakeshead fritillaries bite?
In article ,
On 9 Apr 2017 10:23,
(Nick Maclaren) wrote:
I have a bed where lily of the valley has got out of hand. Well, it
retires hurt when it meets Dana racemosa (no surprise there!), and
can't do more than hold its own against paeonies and (vigorous)
heather, but the real surprise is a patch of snakeshead fritillaries.
Not merely are they holding their own, they seem to be discouraging
it from growing through them at all. Yes, it does, but much less
vigorously than elsewhere.
Any comments?
Lucky you to have both doing well :-)
Nick Maclaren.
Third time lucky for me with Lilly of the Valley, at least this time
they have come up again and with flowers showing. Planted it this time
with the ferns, shady and moist, but maybe it didn't like it's
neighbours where I've planted it before. Interesting.
I struggled in vain for decades in different gardens to establish
lily of the valley, and last year was the first successful flowering.
This year the colony has started to spread (yippee). A great favourite
of mine.
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