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Old 24-02-2017, 05:13 AM posted to rec.gardens.edible
Ecnerwal Ecnerwal is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Apr 2012
Posts: 177
Default Too early , wayyyyy too early

In article ,
"Terry Coombs" wrote:

My Red Haven peach tree is already making flowers ... last frost here is
not for another 6 weeks , looks like I'll be keeping a close eye on the
thermometer . The trees all have a (concrete reinforcing) wire cage around
them , I can wrap with a tarp if it's going to freeze . PITA , but I'd sure
like to get some peaches this year .

Welcome to the new, ugly, hard to grow food in reality.

All our fruit blossoms got whacked last year, so no tree fruits. Today
it was 68F and our last frost date is mid to late May. Looking pretty
dubious for this year if this foolishness keeps up.

If you can set up to mist the flower buds, it helps - basically mist/fog
when it's getting cold and through the night - so long as new water is
freezing on the outside of the icicle, it stays at 32F/OC which is often
warm enough to save the flowerbuds. Blatantly swiped from citrus growers
way down south, but it saved my blueberries one year.

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