Too early , wayyyyy too early
On 2/23/2017 5:08 PM, Terry Coombs wrote:
My Red Haven peach tree is already making flowers ... last frost here is
not for another 6 weeks , looks like I'll be keeping a close eye on the
thermometer . The trees all have a (concrete reinforcing) wire cage around
them , I can wrap with a tarp if it's going to freeze . PITA , but I'd sure
like to get some peaches this year .
I'm just pleased that my kumquat tree is coming back into a full coat of
leafs after getting hit by two 21F freezes back to back. Fed it some
citrus fertilizer today, it was 80F at mid afternoon. The pear tree is
properly pruned according to the AG agent here and it will get some
8-8-8 once the leaves start growing again. I might even get a little
fertilizer on the fig tree before long. The bay tree is now almost three
feet tall and the start was a six inch piece of the old trees limb when
it was planted in early 2013.
Unfortunately our Ugly lemon we planted was frozen back earlier and is
now starting to sprout from the roots. The Ugly Lemon is actually a
cross between a lemon and a grapefruit and the fruit is actually as big
as a large grapefruit and the tree has three inch spines growing on the
trunk. Also had some avocado's were killed, we will plant some more seed
and see what we get again.
We're coming into spring like gangbusters and I'm very happy.