Peony bulb/ weed killer
On 11/2/2016 9:14 PM, Stacey wrote:
I am new to the gardening scene. I absolutely love peonies so I got two bulbs.
The bed I am placing them in has Bermuda grass trying to take over.
After I weed my bed and do my very best to get as much out as possible, could
I put Amaze weed preventer in the soil and then plant my bulbs?
I use an herbicide that is specific to grass. Except for a very few
non-grass plants such as Potentilla (cinquefoil), it kills only grass.
Brands include Poast and Grass Getter.
David E. Ross
Donald Trump claims everyone likes him. Does that
include his ex-wives? How about the students who
discovered that their education at Trump University
was worthless? And how about the contractors,
suppliers, and employees he stiffed in his several