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Old 04-09-2016, 04:51 PM posted to rec.gardens
brooklyn1 brooklyn1 is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Feb 2009
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Default Electric chainsaws

On Sun, 4 Sep 2016 06:34:19 -0700, "Snuffy \"Hub Cap\" McKinney"

I need a chainsaw 18-inch for a small one-time job,
and found several corded versions online, which is what I want.
These have decent reviews. I don't want battery,
can't use gas at this location. Anyone used either of these
or know another one in the $120 or less range?

Remington RM1840W
18" 12-Amp corded electric
Reviews say available at these stores, but they are no longer available at them:
Sears $101
Walmart $89
Home Depot $89

Greenworks GW20332
18-in 14.2A corded electric
Available online order only:
HomeDepot $89

Why can't you use gas at the location?
One time use doesn't say much, could be one huge job that will take
many days, what exactly is the job?
Home Depot also rents electric chain saws... if you're sure it's for a
one time use for just a few hours it may be smarter to rent.