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Old 31-08-2016, 04:17 PM posted to rec.gardens.edible
songbird[_2_] songbird[_2_] is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jun 2010
Posts: 3,072
Default ping songbird: a theory to run by you

T wrote:
songbird wrote:
do you eat apples?

Unfortunately, no. They are in the category of hybridized
for levels of cabs that do not exist in nature, along with
oranges and bananas.

*sigh* you realize there are hundreds or thousands
of different kinds of banana's right?

I can have one tablespoon of apple sauce a day, but
I don't. I go for the berries, which I can have 3/4
cup at a time.

i was just curious if you had an easy source of
fruit seeds to work with. even if you can't eat
the fruits, the wood is useful and of course any
scraps you can get from anyone who cans apple sauce
would be free organic matter.

I can have a few stone fruits too, but not a lot.
I will use an over ripe apricot smashed and simmered
in butter as a topping for coconut pancakes, etc..

yeah, i like peanut butter and apple sauce on
mine at times. don't eat them very often though.
we're not huge breakfast eaters.
