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Old 29-08-2016, 09:04 PM posted to rec.gardens.edible
T[_4_] T[_4_] is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jan 2015
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Default ping songbird: a theory to run by you

On 08/29/2016 05:27 AM, songbird wrote:
you may be too overfocused on food and
not seeing the major point, which is that
during the winter, when the ground is other-
wise being left fallow you have the chance
to grow a crop which will vastly help your
poor soil. harvest the free energy from
the sun, use those roots/exhudates to help
break apart that soil. get nearly free
organic matter.

Maybe so.

Our growing period is so short (mid June to Sept/Oct)
that it just seems like "cheating" to plant over winter
vegi's. And I do love garden garlic!

And Winter is also the time for me to write up everything
I have learned and plan for the next season.

So far, winter has not improved my soil. Your advice,
yes. Winter, not so much.

One thing I learned is that don't count on seed exchanges
to give you the exact seed you think it is.

Over half this year's
turned out to be something entirely different, but they
were fast growing and produced huge fruit, plus were
very tasty, so and wonder if I will reorder the same
seeds next year? The ones that were striata-d-italia
took a long time to produce.

are a hoot and a half! Pumpkin shaped zukes! Plus
their leaves have a lot of wax on them. Maybe it will protect
against powder mold? We will see.
