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Old 07-08-2016, 07:16 AM posted to rec.gardens
David E. Ross[_2_] David E. Ross[_2_] is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Oct 2009
Posts: 1,049
Default One more plant to identify

On 8/6/2016 8:29 PM, Al Tprk wrote:
Here is another plant to identify:

What I am wondering if it has invasive roots. I would like to take it
our of the plastic container and plant it in the ground.

If it matters, I am in San Jose California USA

That is some kind of succulent, possibly a small variety of agave. No,
I do not think you need to worry about invasive roots.

However, you do need to worry about drainage. Most succulents require
excellent drainage. The soil should never be wet. It can be very
slightly moist most of the time and more moist on occasion.

David E. Ross

Perhaps it was a smart decision for Hillary Clinton to use her
private E-mail server while Secretary of State. According to
current Secretary of State John Kerry, we know that the Russians
and Chinese have hacked the State Department's servers. In the
meantime, a claim by the Romanian hacker known as Guccifer
(Marcel Lehel Lazar) that he hacked into Clinton's E-mail
server proved false.